
Sighted September 1993, Port of Santos

Dockworkers unloading a cargo ship were surprised to find a container had been broken into, a mucous trail roughly 5 meters long the only clue left by the criminal. Several tons of canned goods were ruined, sparking a chase that lasted 5 years and 3 months.

Ships changed, cargo changed, but the mysterious attacks continued. Cameras failed to capture the perpetrator's entrance and exit, dozens of workers were interrogated and some even arrested, all the way until the turn of the millenium, the last time such an occurance would ever plague South America's largest port.

The first proper sighting would occur circa a month after the first attack, amidst rumors of a "ghost" spotted across several different areas of the Port. It was said to resemble a woman(no reasons were ever given for the assumption, though the most popular versions of the legend maintained that the ghost was a woman who was drowned by a scorned lover) covered from head to toe in several layers of dirty sheets endlessly dripping water where she stood. If you were to approach her, or to ask if everything was alright from a distance, she would disappear as if had never been there in the first place.

Local newspapers managed to create a small scale panic surrounding the ghost, but no (provable) violent encounters would ever occur between the population and the entity. Several hoaxes and faked photographic evidence muddle all attempts to investigate the creature in hindsight until the interest in the myth winded down on its own, by which time it had grown too cautious.

One photo, however, is believed to have captured the entity in truth. Received from an anonymous source and ran by a small time local newspaper, it depicts the figure, matted and limbless with no visible suggestion of facial features idlying by the edges of a lamppost's light. Though the news article proposed it had been watching over the docks it is believed it was cautiously observing the cameraman instead.

With no further sightings, no further conjecture can be made.

Sighted March 1996, BR-135

One of Brazil's longest highways is haunted by what witnesses can only describe as a "reverse werewolf."

Occurances tend to be similar: drivers, tipically truck drivers, spot something at the side of the road, suddenly rushing at impossible speeds towards the front of their vehicles. Some try to swerve, while others try to break, but invariably the figure is struck full on.

Those so inclined to stop and check what they hit, or are forced out of their vehicles due to subsequent crashes and other accidents, are then treated to a strange sight: the figure, no matter the strength of the impact, stands up and casually approaches whichever humans remain nearby.

The entity is described as a sort of of "inverted bush dog", though what inverted means varies from sighting to sighting: generally, its head and extremities are bent the opposite way as if mangled, to two different witnesses claim the creature had been turned inside-out. It always walks on its rear legs and is capable of speech, though supposedly it is incapable of stringing a sentence along, repeating disconnected bits of Portuguese in a tone that suggests its trying to ask something of the witness.

Most either fled or ignored the sight, believing themselves to be allucinating. On at least one occasion, the witness attempted to communicate with the being, only to be met with clear confusion. Regardless, after a few failed attempts, the entity will turn back and flee, disappearing into the woodland.

Nine such Occurances were reported in 1996, starting on March and lasting until April 13th. One was reported on April 3rd, 1998, though its inconsistencies make the claim dubious. At least two fatalities were known to occur thanks to the entities actions, both from the same accident. The witness of that sighting was the sole surviver, who watched it trying to speak to his dead friends calmly.

No photographic evidence is known to exist. Then again, the myth never picked traction outside a few enthusiast circles.