Priga Locus Blog #1

-- Priga Locus V1: The Bedrock of All is finished.

Today, I am happy to announce that Priga Locus Version 1: The Bedrock of All is officially done!


... Well, kind of. I don't know how many recurrent visitors I have, if any at all, but if you are one of them you might have noticed that the site has been sitting in a half finished state for a hot moment now. Busy days these have been, fella, with busier days ahead.

Priga Locus V1 is not the prettiest, funniest, sexiest, or most content rich website out there, for sure not, but allow me this pride: going from no knowledge of HTML and CSS to making a website is hard! I'm really grateful for how helpful a community there is around both languages, because boy oh boy I hit some bad snags at times. If there wasn't so much information out there, so many people having the same problems as me, this might have never been finished!

Now. that's not to say the site is complete. As told in the about page, Priga Locus is a perpetual work in progress, bound to keep growing and changing as I deem it fit. A year or two from now, it might look completely different, or it might just look like an improved version of V1, only time will tell.

However, content wise, I do have plans for the future:

  • Creating a layout more suited for reading.
  • Get started with the herculean task of importing Mariwa: An Ivian Tale from RR to here. (Mind you, this will take a while, not only because the story is only a quarter done and is already nearly 100k words long, but because I'm slowly doing a fourth round of edits to the first arc chapters and won't start until I'm done with that).
  • Create a spoiler-free glossary for Mariwa's setting (And also a spoiler filled one for the few who are keeping up with it).
  • Add more visual elements to the site. I've seen some people add little images to their "li" tag's ball, and I think that looks really cute! Plus a few other ideas.

And for now, I think that's it!

Hardly a very enthusiastic debut for a blogging section, isn't it? Turns out, I'm a person of few words when it comes to direct communication. Usually, anyway.

Still, thank you, everyone who decided to stop by and give this project of mine some attention. Even if you didn't stick around, even if you didn't like what you found, thank you very much!

Have a good week, see you around.