It was over 2000 years ago, that the Starlit War was fought over control of existence itself.
Cursed with a fragmenting world and lost history, the Fourteen Kinds were pited against one another. Seven of Light, Dashi, who lived under the Great Light of the Stars and required it for sustenance and guidance. Seven of Darkness, Keshi, who lived under the eternal gloom of the Great Shadow, it's impenetrable peace the only safe haven for their ilk.
Where one conquered, in came their realm, and the other was decimated. Should one stand victorious over the other, annihilation would be the only fate expected to the defeated. However, thanks to the constant conflict, the grotesque weaponry employed, and the grandiose abominations who allied one side or the other, the very land grew unstable, giving rise to the dead and grievously mutated, and soon there would be no spoils left untainted for the winner either.
It was then the Titan came.
Like a serpent made of dark smoke coiling around the world. Like a tempest that could blow mountains and fortresses alike. Like the grandest of all monstrosities perched upon a throne made of the cosmos itself. All perceived them: The blind, the underground dwellers, the beasts, all that lived came to learn one name in the depth of their beings: Mu.
Mu severed both groups, diving their lands with a horizon spanning wall of living ice and hungry fog, guarded and cared by a race of carnivorous, immortal colossi, the Sya. Then, as a final reminder of that which the mortals had almost brought upon themselves, Mu touched the lands of the Dashi twice: once on the moon, leaving a six-fingered print; once on the now lost continent of Xenomolaa, a scar that could never be erased.
Thus the Starlit World came to be, and the Dashi rejoiced, celebrating for seven days and seven nights. With their aeon long nemesis gone, a new era of ever lasting peace and prosperity was sure to come.
... Right?
The Ivian Glossary
The Ivian Glossary is an archive of terminology and concepts pertaining to the Starlight World, more specifically the archipelago of Ivias, setting to Mariwa: An Ivian Tale. Here, you can find refreshers for background details that were previously explored in-story, or find more information on entities that briefly came to haunt its pages but could not be fully fleshed out.
However, a warning: this is a mostly spoiler free glossary, meaning certain things will not be touched upon. A second, spoiler filled glossary will eventually be released for those who are caught up with Mariwa: An Ivian Tale.
Terms are added as I decide. I may have forgotten to add something, or decided it belonged elsewhere, but if you find something missing remember to please be kind, and understand that I will be the final judge of where things belong or not.
That being said, enjoy.
General / Basic Terms
The basic of the basic of the Starlit setting. Nothing you HAVE to know to get MAIT, but things pretty much all characters know to some level or another.
- The Starlit World
- Common name given by the Dashi to the planet + plane of existence they inhabit. It stands opposite the Starless World.
- The Continent of Meshelaa
- One of the now seven continents of the Starlit World. Arguably the closest continent to its equator, and third smallest overall. It's Dashi population is constituted mostly by Gobans and Humans
- The Archipelago / Island of Ivias
- An archipelago found close to the west coast of the Meshelan continent, known for its war-torn history and density of minor cults. It is generally viewed as a dangerous backwater by outsiders, though many covet its many unique resources.
- The name Ivias comes from the Ivian word for "Thorny Isle," A name that supposedly originates from the way the Mountainous Region resemble a long patch of colossal thorns. In modern times, it is used interchangeably to refer to both the archipelago as a whole as well as its central, largest island.
- Related terms: Kelevias; Amavias; the Ivian Language
- Dashi
- Often translated from the Old Tongue as "The Seven Kinds Under the Light", they are the seven most common sapient species of the Starlit World. they are: Humans, Gobans, Murmurs, Lous, Xilofenas, Lagalis, and Raaliis.
- Dashi can be quite different from one another biologically, but they are deemed Dashi regardless by sharing the basic body composition and the ability to reproduce with other Dashi, in which case the children are almost always one of the parents' race rather than a mixture.
- Most of the Starlit World's sapient species are not considered Dashi.
- Priga
- Means many different things in the Old Language, and it is all.
Non-Ivian History
Historic events that might have involved Ivias but aren't directly of it.
- The Lesan Empire
- Empire which once conquered much of Meshelah's Western coast. Despite this, their mostly concerned themselves with inland military pursuits and only ever plundered Ivias.
- As of MAIT, they are over a millennia gone. Among the many states resulting from its shattering, one would eventually rise to become the Yine Empire.
- Related terms: the Lesan Sea, The Lesan language, the Lesan coast.
- The Yine Empire
- Ancient Empire born out of the union between several different groups born out of the fall of the Lesan Empire under the flag of a warrior nation. They were greatly feared in Western Meshelah, regaining much of their antecessor's territory through their brutal campaigns and mysterious weaponry.
- As of MAIT, they are centuries gone, broken during the Black / Red Thorn War, in which several of their enemies allied themselves under the banner of the Immortal Rose, an exiled princess of the Yine. After losing their Emperor and much of their forces, the lingering remnants of their nobility fled to their Ivian colony, where they would later establish the Empire of Allebodt / Galehold.
- Note: While Galehold is not considered the Yine Empire proper (by most, anyway), their people are considered ethnically Yine.
- Related terms: the Lion Dinasty. the Codex of the Lion.
- The Lion Dinasty
- Dynasty that ruled the Yine Empire for many of its centuries. Following the Black / Red Thorn War, its last heir was forced into fleeing to Ivias and, at the threat of complete conquest by his exiled sister, surrendering his name. Some nobility remained staunch allies of the old blood, and plans were made for recuperating and retaking the old land, but following his public execution by a discontent political enemy, they were abandoned.
Ivian Geographic Regions
- Northern / Southern Light Regions
- Two regions found in Southeastern and Northwestern Ivias, known for their abundance of open field and relatively even ground in comparison to other Regions. The Southern Light Region belongs almost entirely to Allebodt / Galehold, constituting most of the Empire's agricultural backbone; the Northern Light Region is divided between between Goban Territories and partially Skawla, but suffers from [REDACTED]
- Wind Region
- Once considered a Subregion of the Southern Light Region, it is somewhat similar but infamous for its bouts of unnatural wind that afflict its territory at random times.
- It is also infamous for being the only place one can contract the disease known as Wind Madness. All living beings, specially those with certain "susceptibilities", can become potential victims, though it remains a rare condition.
- Sacred Forest Region
- Second largest Region of the island of Ivias, it encompasses most of the Eastern Ivias. It is known for its many... well, forests, as well as supposedly being the crib of the Yida, the Gods of the Underbush, as well as being the certain craddle of Sigwalism, Ivias foremost religion.
- Mountainous Region
- Largest Region of the island of Ivias by mass, though possibly its less populous one as well. It encompasses the entire area of the Ivian Chain, the chain of mountains that divides Ivias into an East and West side, as well as the Hollows and the Blue Valley.
- It also encompasses two of the four deadliest areas in Ivias, Mt. Shulgan and the Hollows. All in all, it is considered the most dangerous Region, and its varied cultures tend to have a certain resilience in common by necessity.
- Amavias / Towerlands
- Referred by its elden inhabitants as the Towerlands, it is the third biggest and second most populated island of the Ivian Archipelago. found south of the island of Ivias. Most of its population belong to the Duareke, or the Cult of Twin Goddesses, who are isolationist and fiercely protective of their lands.
- Outside its soil, Amavias is mostly known for two things: Its Tower, a massive structure that to this day still grows organically and has never been successfully invaded, and for being the only place where the famous Towerbone, an organic substance said to be lighter and stronger than steel, can be harvested (though how exactly remains a secret)
- Kelevias
- Second biggest and fourth less populated island of the Ivian Archipelago. A dangerous no-man's land, peppered with a few pirate ports and long forgotten villages built by and for those who wish to disappear. Best avoided.
Ivian Geographic Subregions
- The Hollows
- Subregion of the Mountainous Region, an enormous, extremely vegetation dense and possibly quasi-sentient valley that connects the Southern Light Region to the Wind Region. Known for being extremely dangerous and hard to settle in, though at least two successes are counted.
- Note: The word Hollows can also be used to refer to the two (once three) settlements there found, the towns of Higher and Greater Hollow.
- Related Terms: Mountainous Region
- The Floodlands
- Subregion of the Sacred Forest Region. Know for its unexplainable poor drainage, it has become a labirinthine mangrove of enormous trees, in which vibrant flora thrive amids a myriad stagnant ponds.
- The Lost Forest
- Once a Region, now considered a Subregion of the Northern Light Region, though some older folks will strongly contest the reclassification. It is infamously inhospitable, but its reserves of Madman's Silver have let many disastrous expeditions to its far corners
- The Deadlands / The Crimson Grave
- Recent Subregion of the Sacred Forest Region. A large wasteland surrounding the never rotting corpse of the Sun Sapling, believed to have been the newborn reincarnation of the god Kerit. A no-man's land of twisted creatures and smoldering madness, uninhabitable by Dashi life.
Ivian History
The history of Ivias, with a focus on the main Island.
- The Scorching Season
- Cataclysmic event caused by the awakening of the Sun Sapling, believed by the cult of Kerit (known as Keritists, or Sun Followers) to be the rebirth of their long lost god, which forced [REDACTED]. It earned its name for lasting almost three months.
- The event was noticed not only within Ivian borders but outside too, the permanent crimson daybreak causing several continental armies to mobilize. Reaping millions of lives before its end, its effects are still felt to this day.
Bestiary Terms
- Phantasm
- Broad classification that encompasses most Non-Dashi beings capable of using, inherently or not, Ashic Arts. What exactly "most Non-Dashi beings" means in this context, however, is highly controversial and varies between schools of thought.
- Low - High Merurgical X
- In Merurgical Theory, a classification that divides Phantasms by their access to and reliance on the Lesser Planes. Examples: A Low-Merurgical Phantasm might be able to use Ashic Arts to some extend, while a High-Merurgical creature may exist mostly within one of the Lesser Planes and only feed through them.
- Sometimes, may be shortened to "Low-High Phantasm" instead.
- Note: This does not account for a creature's strength. A particular Low-Phantasm may be able to destroy several High-Phantasms at once, and vice-versa.
Bestiary Proper
- Apparition
- High-Merurgical undead creatures created by killing a Dashi or Phantasm through Ashic Arts, specially those foreign(relative to local area). They are usually very restrained energy vampires, but age and remembrance may turn them into very cunning and deadly creatures.
- Burrowleech
- Not an actual leech. A vampiric nematode originally from the main land of the Meshelaa continent, believed to be have been brought by infected Yine soldiers during the conquest of Ivias. They feed by burrowing into the feet of passing animals, drinking blood from capilaries of veins depending on their side. They are a well known vector for blood transmitted diseases, and can infect a host in such abundance they cause a condition known as Worm Anemy.
- Gugly
- An insectoid Low-Phantasm endemic to the Ivian Archipelago, its most common subspecies found in both Amavias and the Mountainous Region of the main island. Known for its cunning and incredible perception, it is a staple ingredient in many regional forms of scrying, sensorial enhancements and treatment of eye related maladies.
- Neela
- A vampiric arthropod endemic to Ivias that resemble myriapods such as centipedes, but are not actually related to them. Its anesthetic saliva is generally harmless but can be incredibly toxic if injected in high doses.
- Salazan
- A large amphibian raised as cattle, mostly within the Meshelaan continent. They are known for soft, beautiful, and surprisingly tough leather, as well as their meat, which is considered a "acquired delicacy." Different breeds of Salazan tend to be cultivated for different purposes, such as the Diamond Salazan, which is bred for its beautiful high priced patterns, or the Black Salazan, known for its incredible toughtness.
- Warmare
- One of the so called "Five Esteemed Beasts" of the Yine Empire, similar in appearance to a larger, predatorial horse. A Low-Merurgical Phantasm known for its calm, cautions, yet unwielding personality, it has adapted well to Ivian soil and its many uneven terrains, much better than common equines anyhow.
- Though originally exclusive to the forces of the Yine, then Galehold, peace time commerce and piracy have seen their presence spread across Ivias. Still, they can be quite expensive and dangerous for an novice breeder.
- Note: Despite their appearance, they are not closely related to horses.
- Related Terms: the Yine Empire; the Five Esteemed Beasts.
Phantasmal Flora
- Ring Flowers
- A family of small flowers known for the curious, concentric, crooked ring pattern on their petals. They are found worldwide, though like many other mystical flora, all require particular conditions to bloom and reach peak quality.
- A possible staple reagent in just about every ritual conceivable, they are extremely popular, though how much varies by species. Green and Blue Ring Flowers are like rice and beans to witches, and a must have to any which are gardening inclined; Purple and Red Ring Flowers are harder to grow at home, and are often found in dangerous locations, but are still highly sought after and commercialized; and of course, the mythical Black Ring Flower is [REDACTED].
- Yimolaga Tree
- A species of tree originally native to Ivias. Though it can grow across the entire archipelago, it can only reach the full of its might in location where [REDACTED].
- Beautiful, resilient, filled to the brim with occult qualities, just about any part of the Yimolaga can be sold as an extremely luxurious item in international markets. Unfortunately for those who may seek it, its felling is illegal in most of the Sacred Forest, Ivian region where they are the most likely to fully grow, regulated in most other places that wish to cultivate friendly relations with Awin and Sigwalism, and very rare (read, near extinct) outside those.